C4CC Projects
Environmental Justice
Environmental Injustice in South San Diego Bay leads to various environmental issues like foul air, sewage ponds near homes, beach and bay closures, and loss of public open spaces for development. Local government practices devalue public lands, impacting the community's quality of life and economic future.
Tijuana River Restoration
Tijuana River Valley is one of the last frontiers in southern California. We have the opportunity to clean up this cesspool into the pristine environment people claim it is. With local input from the affected communities, we have come up with a plan to channelize the river back to its natural state and remove all the trash. This cost-effective solution will save money and create a safe public use ecosystem with natural beauty and history.
Solving Border Sewage
Sea Level Rise
Managed Retreat
Managed Retreat is described as a form of eminent domain, managed retreat involves property mitigation without compensation. It is crucial for local beach communities to unite and oppose this emerging trend of land acquisition tactics embedded in our coastal plans.